Technical product drawings and data sheets with all relevant dimensional data are now also available in our online shop. Request your login today to access our full range.

Our Littershark is not only an eye-catcher, it also hides a lot of sophisticated technology under its polished hood. From now on we will provide our Littershark fans and all interested parties with even more information in the form of our data sheets and drawings. On our website,, you will not only find our full range of products in our online shop, but also all the relevant measurements. In addition to the description of the products and the accessories available, in the “Documents” section you will find the technical drawings that show all the dimensions of each Littershark, from the height to the diameter of the ashtray and the dimensions of the opening

Dear customers, we invite you to request your personal login to our onlineshop. This allows you to conveniently access our product range and order our Littersharks directly, anytime, anywhere.

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